increasing violence

美 [ɪnˈkriːsɪŋ ˈvaɪələns]英 [ɪnˈkriːsɪŋ ˈvaɪələns]
  • 日益增多的暴力行为
increasing violenceincreasing violence
  1. Opportunities to overcome this were then lost in increasing violence .


  2. The increasing violence is troubling to many people .


  3. Kandahar province has been wracked by increasing violence .


  4. Community leaders in Kenya have warned that the country 's worst drought for years is causing increasing violence between rival tribes .


  5. U.S. Charge d'Affaires to Afghanistan Ross Wilson tweeted that the departure was approved following increasing violence and threat reports in Kabul .


  6. However , increasing of violence had been remarked during these decades , particularly in the adolescent age group .


  7. President James Monroe , who stopped at a Shaker settlement in the 1820s , noted in his journal that , in his words , The singers began increasing the violence of their actions as they were warmed by the Spirit .


  8. For those who hold on to the old patterns , there will be increasing pain , violence , confusion , and madness .


  9. The development of internet resulted in the revolutionary expansion of the space of public opinion , as well as the negative aspects of the increasing of language violence .


  10. Increasing threats of violence and terrorism , coupled with natural disasters such as earthquakes , typhoons and cyclones have had a negative impact on the quality of living in Asian cities .


  11. Her visit came amid increasing insurgent and sectarian violence in iraq , and growing concern among many experts that Iraq is on the brink of , if not already in , a civil war .
